NTLK Re: Frozen Newton Project

From: ST8SALE@aol.com
Date: Wed Mar 29 2000 - 15:12:33 EST

Yesterday, I received an email from Kaz, (kazu@5net.com), a contact person
for the Frozen Newton Project. It seems the price is down to 60,000 yen,
around $550. Much better than the initiaI $1000 for the Newton clear case.

The impression I got from Kaz's email, is the FNP was made for fun and really
was not meant for oversees commercial distribution. But, they have received a
lot of email in response to the Frozen Newton Project web page and
reconsidered. (http://member.nifty.ne.jp/masanewton/frozensisaku.html)

For me, the clear Newton shell costs are much too high .
I may reconsider it if it fell to about $200. But, Im sure that would be an
insult, as it seems to be very time consuming and expensive to produce. I
only wish there was a way to get this cheaper, or at least, shown how we can
produce it on this of the Pacific pond.
I sent an email to Kaz and asked him if he and his Frozen Newton Project
comrades could show us how they produced the Newton 2k clear case. (Perhaps,
others on this list could ask the same question.)

 If I receive a response I'll pass it on
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