NTLK Microsoft Outlooks (was MessagePad 2100 + ext.)

From: Christopher Browne (irie@attglobal.net)
Date: Wed Mar 29 2000 - 01:31:57 EST

There is justifiable confusion about Outlook on the Mac. Two Microsoft
products use the same name.

Outlook Express is a Mac POP mail application which now ships as the
default mail application on all new Macs. This is not something with which
we need to be able to synch.

Outlook for Mac is the Mac version of the popular Windows group
schedule/enterprise email client. Its predecessor was Schedule+ for Mac. I
suspect that a number of Mac users in mixed PC/Mac environments (like me)
use or would like to use this if a means of synching with the Newton were

I hope that this clears up the confusion.

Chris Browne
Auckland, New Zealand
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