[NTLK] Two questions

From: Mick Ring (lists_at_rynosoft.com)
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 19:57:48 PDT

I have recently acquired the responsibility of taking donated Newtons and
preparing them for use by underpriviliged individuals or organizations.
Today I got seven 2100's with a variety of accessories. As a part of the
donation agreement, I must wipe these Newtons of all the data from their
previous owners. My first question is: Is the "brain wipe" the closest thing
to a low-level format for a Newton?

Among the accessories were four rechargeable battery packs. One appears to
be in working order, one doesn't seem to take a charge (level never goes up)
and the Newton tells me that other two need to be replaced ("Fault" is
displayed in the Extras drawer). Is there anything I can do with the latter
three batteries?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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