Re: NTLK Psion keyboard with Newton?

From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Wed Apr 12 2000 - 05:51:27 EDT

mcw wrote:
> I'm a total ignoramous on this topic, so any advice is appreciated
> (just one response of "you idiot, it can't be done" is probably
> enough, though! grin).
:-)) I think it could be done, if the kbd is controlled by a the same
controller chip as the Newton kbd is (less probable but who knows?) or
if the matrix of the kbd could be mapped to the Newton kbd matrix. The
latter one would require an enormous amount of wires and would be prone
to bad solder joints.

However, just yesterday I've seen in an Ad a foldable Palm keyboard for
159CHF (about 100USD). This one had 3 joints/4 kbd parts and its keys
were arranged like in a normal kbd (rows shifted against each other by
1/3 of a key width). May be they use a similar protocol as the Newton
uses and thus only an adapter and a kbd driver/mapper would be necessary
to use that thing on a Newton.


Regards / Viele Gruesse

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