NTLK Psion keyboard with Newton?

From: mcw (mcw@wam.umd.edu)
Date: Tue Apr 11 2000 - 11:21:25 EDT

My Psion (which I played with on a lark for a while, and liked various
aspects of) has died an inglorious death. The screen won't work, and
when it does, there are big ol' black lines running up and down. Sigh.

But I really like the size of the keyboard and I REALLY like its
volume. I worked on a few papers in libraries, something the
thunderboard of the Newton doesn't allow.

Does anyone know of a way to get the Psion (series 5) keyboard to work
with a Newton? Anyone heard of a hack? Or know how to get the two to
talk to each other? Or know of a way to break open the Psion to get
the keyboard system out? What problems might exist for this process?

I'm a total ignoramous on this topic, so any advice is appreciated
(just one response of "you idiot, it can't be done" is probably
enough, though! grin).


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