Re: NTLK Psion keyboard with Newton?

From: Victor Rehorst (
Date: Tue Apr 11 2000 - 11:55:52 EDT

On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, mcw wrote:

> But I really like the size of the keyboard and I REALLY like its
> volume. I worked on a few papers in libraries, something the
> thunderboard of the Newton doesn't allow.
> Does anyone know of a way to get the Psion (series 5) keyboard to work
> with a Newton? Anyone heard of a hack? Or know how to get the two to
> talk to each other? Or know of a way to break open the Psion to get
> the keyboard system out? What problems might exist for this process?
> I'm a total ignoramous on this topic, so any advice is appreciated
> (just one response of "you idiot, it can't be done" is probably
> enough, though! grin).

"You idiot, it can't be done!"

But... people have hacked their Newton keyboards to make less noise. It
involves popping off the keycaps and modifying the rubber "boot" below
that acts as a spring. I don't have all the details, but try searching
the (semi-defunct but still really useful) NewtonTalk Archive:

-Victor Rehorst - |
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