Re: NTLK Re: newton questions (cookies)

From: Brian McEwen (
Date: Thu Jul 27 2000 - 08:28:33 CDT

>>Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 21:20:54 -0700
>>From: Dan Wormhoudt <>
>>...when connected to the internet, there are numerous websites that
>>I cannot access (for example, my company's lotus ccmail system). The
>>problem appears to be that the Newton can=92t handle =93cookies,=94 which=

        It has been a while, as we have switched to Lotus Notes at work
(from ccmail), but my recollection of the ccMail web interface was that it
was SO heavily java-scripted and clunky, it BARELY (and often did not run)
ran properly even on a desktop with Netscape.

        I suspect that java is what it stopping the Newton, not the cookies.

        If you wish to check, disable java and javascript on your desktop
browser, and see if the page loads or not.


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