Re: [NTLK] Intel MacBook Pro and Newton ?

From: Ed Kummel <>
Date: Wed May 10 2006 - 14:55:34 EDT

Suffer from isolation? I rarely connect my newt to anything. And when I do, it's to either download and install a package from off my site, or so grab an email of address book entries to put on the newt (using DragnDrop Names), or send meeting minutes to myself via email.
  Other than these few instances, my newt rarely gets connected...I guess it all depends on how you use things.
  For me, my Newt is my *Permanent* storage for things...dates, addresses, notes. Things I will keep for decades. My phone is for things that are definatly temporary...I don't start to enter work names and contact info into my Newt untill after I have worked at a company for at least a year!
  In the time I ahve had my Newt, I have gone through over a dozen cellphones...Sure, I've also gone through 4 different Newts, but the thing here is that none of the cellphones were able to transfer my information to my new phone (except for my Nextel i730 info getting transferred to my Blackberry) whereas with my Newts, it was just a matter of restoring a backup onto the latest Newt....
  So, ask me where your name is stored...if it's on my phone, well...I don't hold out plans to know you for very long...if it's on my newt, your a contact for life!
  web/gadget guru
  Download Newton packages directly onto your Newton:
Norman Palardy <> wrote:
I'm beginning to wonder if my little green friend isn't doomed to
suffer from isolation because I can't sync it with my MacBook.

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Received on Wed May 10 14:55:35 2006

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