[NTLK] Newbie

From: Pierrick LAMBERT (plambert_at_free.fr)
Date: Sat May 22 2004 - 14:41:22 PDT

Hi everybody,

I'm from France, and brand new in Newton Pad.

I just bought my first Newton few months ago. Due to there's not a lot
of Newton in Europe (espacially in France), I only bought an old (but
fully fonctionnal) MP120 french software...

So my first question is : where can I find some explanations on using
my Newton ? And where can i find some packages that works with an MP120
(most of them now work with the eMate or MP2xxx).

Thanks for yr answers.


This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries
Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/
WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/

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