Re: [NTLK] [OT] eMac Pricing... [OT: beer]

From: Michael Wittmann (
Date: Wed May 01 2002 - 16:30:01 EDT

So, Ed, you live close enough to the Weeping Radish to go there and pick
up beer? I remember when that was still being brewed in Durham and
served at Durham Bulls games in the old ballpark (where Bull Durham was
filmed). Ah, memories of good beer and summer afternoons down south (it
just snowed up here in Maine, sigh).

And as an Austrian, I understand your sentiments about beer. Hirter for
me, please (from Kaernten...)!


On Wednesday, May 1, 2002, at 02:07 PM, Ed Kummel wrote:

> whoa, whoa, whoa! now hold on a minute! attack my car
> (actually, it's a Jeep) and Attack my Platform/OS, but
> as a German, I won't stand an attack on my beer! In
> Germany, beer is sacred, have you no respect? ;-) I
> take my beer seriously (well, as seriously as I take
> anything else anyway) and only drink beer from my home
> town in Stutgart (actually, I'm from a little town
> east of Stutgart, Plochingen) There is a brew-master
> in NC on the Outer Banks who is from my home town and
> brews beer under the Reinheitsgebott laws using a
> centuries old formula passed down through family...
> I drive down there several times a year to pick up a
> case of liter bottles (he takes my empties as well,
> but this last time, I used the bottles for some
> rootbeer I made...)
> So, no...Pabst Blue Ribbon is not my beer of
> choice...It's Weeping Radish Weitzen...
> Ed

   Michael C. Wittmann
   Physics Education Research Laboratory
   5709 Bennett Hall
   University of Maine
   Orono ME 04469-5709
   tel:   207 - 581 - 1237
   fax:   207 - 581 - 3410
   su ot gnoleb era esab ruoy llA

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