[NTLK] Help with BookMaker needed

From: Gruendel, Frank 3837 S-WF-RD6 (Frank.Gruendel_at_de.heidelberg.com)
Date: Tue Jan 22 2002 - 04:31:49 EST

Hi folks,

I sent this yesterday, but haven't seen it in the digest yet,
sorry if it appears twice.

I have a problem with BookMaker. The last line of the pages
it creates are sometimes obstructed by the close box and the
box to the left of it. I've spent the better parts
of two hours reading and searching tfm, but to no avail.
Is there some way to reduce the number of lines per page
or make sure the last line will always stay above the book's
button row? Or any other way to ensure no text will be
I am aware that BookMaker only guarantees correct layout if
one of the three fonts the Newton supports is used, but
I'm using Espy Sans which is one of the fonts supported, so
this probably isn't the problem.
All this is with the PC version of BookMaker and on a Newton
120 os 2.0.

Please cc to frank_gruendel_at_t-online.de

Thanks, as usual


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