Re: [NTLK] Platform crap... Up Yours Pal!

Date: Thu Nov 08 2001 - 01:50:25 EST

In a message dated 7/11/01 10:24:17 pm, writes:

<< I think that you are guilty of the pathetic knee-jerk reation so common in
people who deep down hate corporate America and America itself and are in
fact closet luddites and America lasters. >>

Whoa I'm British yet I share your admiraqtion for some of the brands you
mention e.g. Land Rover (hooray for ford and its enthusiasm for improving the
LandRover brand) and CItroen - the best suspension system in mass production
and in the past some of the berst style in consumer items. I think we support
brands because we like the product and want others to appreciate them and we
want to belong to a family, it is a bit like a religion and sometimes becomes
extremist and harmful. On the whole it is harmless and enriching -often to
the amusemnet and derision of non-believers. Most garages deride Citroens as
complex and unreliable and costly to repair. none of which is true. Hydrualic
controls are used in aircraft for their reliability even though they are much
heavier that electrical ssytems. Here I go, I can't help preaching Citroen!
They do rust horribly though and 80s and 90s models are not world shaking


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