Re: NTLK contribution to info-newt

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Sun Sep 10 2000 - 23:25:10 CDT

On 09/10/2000 10:32 PM, jceaser [] wrote:

>I uploaded a file named NPLT.sit to info-newt today. This arcive is a
>ResEdit templet to assist in creating custom Newton Book layouts. These
>layouts are defined in a file called "Newton Press Platforms" in the
>preference folder.


I was going to up load this file last Friday but for
>some reason my copy of fetch will not conect to info-newt. Im sure it is a
>user error.

Has to be ;) Seriously, it most likely is, as I use Fetch myself to
connect to Info-Newt to post pages, etc. I've used it from both within
my own private Ethernet, and from the network at work thru the firewall
at work.

What's the error message you're getting from Fetch?

To contribute, you use ID: newtgifts, password: newtgifts when you log
in to using Fetch and you'll be taken DIRECTLY to the
Contributions folder (although to Fetch it'll appear to be the root
folder (i.e. "/"). If you try to specify a /Contributions directory,
you'll get an error message....but you'll be taken to the proper place
anyway, and (as I said) it'll look like the root folder of the site,
since /Contributions is the root directory for the "newtgifts" account.

(I just retested all this with Fetch, by the way, to make sure.)

To just browse, use ID: anonymous, password: your email address and you
can browse the whole info-newt ftp site, but not upload.

>Thank goodness I have CyberDog to saved the day. :)

Whoa, haven't seen Cyberdog mentioned in a long time (probably got it on
my machine somewhere, as OpenDoc is installed...)

 - Bill

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