Re: NTLK Basilisk II for Windows success with Newton

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Sat Apr 22 2000 - 22:54:44 EDT

On 4/23/2000 2:35 AM, Jon Shurtleff
[] wrote:

>But that whole issue is a huge can
>of worms. In any case, Basilisk is configured to think it has 48Mb of RAM.
>It also seems to crash if you try to use virtual memory. I set NCU to use
>25Mb. This allowed me to backup my Newt with no problem although it took at
>least an hour. I don't know if that's typical for an Ethertalk backup. The
>total size of the internal and card backups is about 33 Megabytes.

An HOUR? That's about 4-6 times too long. I back up a 2100's internal
memory, a 20MB card and a 6MB card in about 10-15 minutes over Ethernet
using a Farallon card. That's a full backup (I never do incrementals).
I am using a G3/250 PowerBook,though. Perhaps the emulator is slowing
you down a lot, or you need to give it more RAM. I'd say it's more
likely the latter.

I have NCU set to 60MB. (You should give it at least the amount of RAM
it defaults to, PLUS the amount of RAM and RAM Cards your Newton has, or
preferrably more.)

The time you state was the time I was getting over LocalTalk (I don't
even want to THINK about serial!)

  - Bill

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