RE: NTLK Re:MP2100 HWR troubles - when writing quickly

From: Filmer, Paul E (
Date: Fri Apr 21 2000 - 16:49:08 EDT

I think what is important here is that there is _always_ a small space
between the case and the screen.

This space allows dirt to get trapped between the case and the screen, and
the pressure from the trapped particle is falsely read as a pen input. When
combined with a second, but real, pen input, the OS cannot differentiate
between the two input sites, and interprets them as very fast pen movements
- jaggies.

This space also allows the NuShield to be held in place from hinge-side to
clip-side. I agree that the NuShield needs to be lengthened from
speaker-side to mike-side (MP2100 coordinate system being used...), because
I get a lot of dirt building up in the space left over.

Even if you have a NuShield installed, there will still be a small space
between the NuShield and the case where grit can get stuck and cause the
jaggies - only the size of the particle needed to cause this is now much

Moral - clean your screen. Clean the space between the case and the
screen, or the case and the NuShield regularly. Any shield product will
help preserve your screen from most scratches, but it will not _absolutely_
prevent the jaggies.

Paul F.
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