Re: NTLK can MP2100 wake up to receive a fax?

From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Wed Apr 19 2000 - 04:14:28 EDT

"John A. Kunze" wrote:
> An example is an airplane reservation that the airline says they'll
> fax "right away", but it's often five minutes after my Newton has shut
> itself down after waiting N minutes in fax receive mode. The fax comes
> in and the MP2100 isn't listening anymore.
Is it true that your Newton does not wake up on the changing of the
modem input? I thought that any change on the serial input cause it to
switch on. May be only with an external modem on the dongle port.
The easiest workaround for your problem would be to not let your Newton
switch off :-)


Regards / Viele Gruesse

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