From: Andreas Tiedemann (an-ti@gmx.net)
Date: Fri Apr 14 2000 - 09:08:51 EDT


I found a german site offering news-links (if anyone is interested)
WWWunterwegs: http://www.palmtop-portal.de/

I have read such a lot about news-sites recently and I have visited the
mentioned urls.
But I am sorry, I really don't understand a few things:

most sites only show headline-links. Does that mean when you schedule to
download a site that you stilll have to go online to read the actual article?
Or are the articles downloaded as well?

Newton/NewtsCape specific
€Hoe do youschedule? I have version 1.5 which was on my MP130 when I bouht
it. I backed it up and did't use it. Now I have put it on again and tryed
to figure out how to schedule. Is that possible with 1.5? I really don't have
the money to purchase the current version...
€Does it make sense to do things like that on a MP130 anyway? I have no
card and my internal is quite full. How much space does an "average" news site
take? I could just keep it on one site everyday and delete after reading...

I hope these questions are not too stupid and someone could explain. I
have never tryed it but I'm very interested as I live in Holland and I would
like to read some german news (I have no tv either...)


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