Re: NTLK - Emails again (Laurent, help me! :)

From: Marco Mailand (
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 03:15:30 EDT

Flavio Ackel wrote:
> I'm still trying to get my emails.
> I've installed NIE 1.1 and SimpleMail 3.3. (thanks Laurent)
> Now, I enter the InBox, then I click Receive - SimpleMail.
> SimpleMail connects to my Inet Provider, sends my user name and my password,
> but it can't find my POP server.
> I think there's something wrong with my connection script.
> My script only says "Send User Name" and "Send Password"
Nowadays you do not need connection scripts with most ISPs. Your error
msg points to another error: I think that your POP server address is
wrong spelled or has may be recently renamed.


Regards / Viele Gruesse

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