NTLK Re: Implant on Newton 2000

From: Paul Guyot (pguyot@pnm-consulting.com)
Date: Sat Apr 01 2000 - 03:06:51 EST

Kenny Song <kensong@pc.jaring.my> wrote about the accelerator:

>4. Implant-2000 performance factor about 40%-60%
This depends on your accelerator. I have made a software speed test, which
reveals the more realistic gain of 30%.

>The electronic logic of the Implant ensures that the MessagePad will be
>started in accelerated-mode by normal switch-on (short hold of the
>Power-on-button). If you keep the button in on-position for about 0.6 sec
>the MessagePad will start with the normal unaccelerated mode. Hold this
>button in position for about 1.2 sec in order to turn on the additional
>backlight. (The timing can be tricky so I usually flick on for accelerated
>mode and on Backlight/Normal mode by holding switch, then off the backlight
>if I have to.) However, it in only on rare occasions that you'll turn off
>the accelerator.

The drawback is that you will need either a backlight software or to choose
between backlight and acceleration.

>3. When would I need to off the accelerator?

>- Use of the Serial Port
including use of keyboard: set to normal speed and plug *afterward*,
because when plugged the keyboard sends a message.

>4. What is not affected by the Implant?
>- Real time clock remains unaffected. Your Newton will continue to keep time
Some code is not affected because some clock signals are not.
But in all cases, the Newton is more responsive. (remember, Newton OS is
fully preemptive)

>- Your data will remain perfectly safe. However, the upgrade will require a
>brainwipe of the internal store. There is also a chance that you will lose
>any System Update which Pixsolution won't reinstall for you. So make sure
>you have a copy of the latest System Update.
System Update is on the internal store, and will disapear either when the
internal store is erased.
I suggest a full backup and to check the update version, but if the data
remains installed, the update shouldn't have been changed.

>- On VERY rare occasions, the screen becomes unresponsive ie nothing happens
>when you tap, write on screen. It can affect the whole screen or just the
>top half. In the one and half years of use, it happened to me only once.

It is not rare at all, it just depends on your hardware. The maximum speed
is 220 MHz. However, there are two phenomenons:
(a) all hardware, especially flash and ROM, is not granted to work at this
speed. If you get strange bus errors as I did, return the accelerator to
PIXSolution and they will slow it down a little bit. Since then, this
problem occured once or twice
(b) the blocking problem can come from another drawback of overclocking,
the irregular clock by switching. I suggest to switch when the Newton is
set to 90 MHz sleep mode (just wait one second when it does nothing, there
is a high chance that it is in this mode).

>Apart for the SPEEEEEEED increase, some software, basically to diagnose your
>Newt to confirm the Implant is in place (checks CPU Speed) and also a pkg
>that lets you confirm what mode you are in (accelerated or normal). I
>trashed this because by listening to the tap sound, I can tell whether I'm
>in accelerated mode or not.

That's true it is the best way to know.

I would like to add that switching to accelerate mode is worth it, in spite
of the drawbacks.



P&M Consulting Newton Program

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