NTLK NewtonRoger Mastholder (PDA Academy Awards)

From: Greg Goodwin (Greg.Goodwin@fmlynet.org)
Date: Wed Mar 22 2000 - 15:00:02 EST

NewtonRoger Mastholder

In days of gold when the Newton was new and development news was broadcast over
the net, the Underground was there sailing enjoying the waves, navigating
through the confusion of the business of Apple.
When those days were over, and Apple stopped developing, the coomunity of
Newton users rose the NewtonRoger on their masts and websites to let the world
know that the Newton would continue to sail onward.

Recently I have seen Feb 27 mentioned as a day of death for the Newton.
However, I would like to take this day of death and use it commemorate and
award those who give the Newton life and wind in it's sails.

This thread (in fun yet appropiate fashion) The agenda goes as follows....
March 21-April 4th = I will take votes from the Newton Community on the great
contributions of various developers. Off the top of my head, Steve Weyer with
Newtscape, Roger Milne with the Modplayer, and so forth are great examples.
During this time we will take nominations of who you think are the greatest
contributors since the day Newton was discontinued.
April 4th-11th - all nominees will be divided into the years of their
contributions. (We have a few years worth to thank).
April 11-20th - Official voting by the Newton community.

April 21st - And the winners are...
So that's the agenda. Let the nominations roll in. (If nothing else, it will be
great to hear why a developer made an impact on you. Your testimony might go on
the NewtonRoger Mastholder page!)

Bring on those nominees,

Doctor Clu
Newton 110-2000 User

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