NTLK WriteStuff v WorksBetter

From: Stephen Beesley (sjbeesley@yahoo.com.au)
Date: Tue Mar 21 2000 - 09:04:33 EST


Thanks for the info - I had a mental block and just
could not remember the name of the other package.

I guess my next question to you and the other Newton
Talkers if whether anybody can give me some feedback
on the pros and cons of the two packages.

I am eagily awaiting the arrival of an upgraded MP2K
(after previously owning a 110, 120 and two 130s at
different times) and am keen to find out what I will
need to make it work most efficiently for me. I used
my previous Newts mainly as portable writing platfoms
(and maybe the odd game....)so I am looking forward to
trying out NewtWorks. I am also keen to get e-mail
and the internet happening as I have a Hayes 33.6 card
modem just waiting to go!

Stephen Beesley

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