NTLK Web Browsing on an MP2k

From: Stephen Beesley (sjbeesley@yahoo.com.au)
Date: Wed Mar 15 2000 - 22:27:21 EST

Hi all,

I am thinking of trading in my MP130 for a 2100 and
wonder what the browsing experience on a 2100 is like.

In particular I am wondering about the screen size. I
seem to recall that he 2100 screen is about 480 x 320
pixles, whereas most web pages are at least 640 pixles
across. Does that mean that you are up for a lot of
scrolling around. I am also looking at the option of
moving to a Psion which has a 640 x 240 and can
display the entire width of a web page. However, I
really love the form factor and HWR of the 2100 as a
note taking device so the Psion is my second choice.

Another concern is that I remember reading somewhere
that the Newton is limited to speeds of 9600K
internally, which would make for pretty slow surfing.

Any views/info/advice would be very welcome
Stephen Beesley

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