NTLK General Peeve...

From: James Simons (jesimons@mindspring.com)
Date: Fri Mar 03 2000 - 01:58:41 EST

ok.. this just absolutely chaps my ass..


Date: Thu, 2 Mar 00 13:31:10 -0700
From: Bob Frasure <design7@home.com>

The newton group is very small, progress is directly related. Has anyone
seen any real breakthroughs lately? All I've seen is the breaking of reg.
code for old newton software.
Seriously a cheap color MP3 playing winCE is the perfect tool to have fun
with (even fits in your shirt pocket) and a Newton is perfect for what it
was made for - an enhanced planner, notetaker, assistant, mini-game
player and book. just don't get the 2 mixed up.
We were all blessed by Apple with extreme amounts of power in our Newt2k
but cursed with the lacking ability to harness it.

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