NTLK How can I delete NewtWorks-Addon - packages ?

From: Ulf Lange (Ulf.Lange@planet-interkom.de)
Date: Fri Jul 14 2000 - 08:25:36 CDT

Hello !!

I own a NEWTON MP-2000. Normally on every MP-2k- Newton ist the Works-package installed.
Beside the Text-packeage and the QuickFigure-package are also an DRAW-package and a
Works-Calculation-package available.
I've installed the Draw-package with the NCU - and it works pretty good.

But the package seems to be somthing like an addon to WORKS , and it does'nt appear in the
EXTRAS- menu !
How can I delete such a package ?? I only want to use the QuickFigures-package and not the Doc(Text)-
package and the Draw-package!
Besides there is a package/programm which appears after each RESET of my NEWTON (SmartButtos by K2).
This applikation I also want to delete, but it is not visible for me.

Where can I see, what kind of packages are installed on the NEWTON (not the EXTRAS-Folder ?!) ??

Please help !!

Thanx ULF

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