RE: NTLK Gold Tee Golf-What? Where?

From: Walter Remson (
Date: Sat Jul 08 2000 - 21:14:07 CDT

>Any leads in my quest for the mythical "Gold Tee at Big Horn"?

Gold Tee at Big Horn was sold by StarCore and was developed by the Griffin
Fathom Co. It Is about 1 Meg in size so you will need a memory Card to
store the App and any saved games. It was developed for the Newton 1.x OS.
I have not installed it on any Newton with 2.x OS. Can any one tell me if
it is Ok to post this on any webpage So that others may have aeeess to this
game? I hope this helps.

Walter Remson

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Never kick a fresh cow chip on a hot day.

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