NTLK eMate eject button

From: Andy Wells (teddie@tas.quik.com.au)
Date: Wed Jul 05 2000 - 06:39:57 CDT

Hi all,
a couple of issues back I mentioned that my eMate was missing it's eject
button. Being at a loss to find any replacement parts I'm in the process of
making one to fit. I've noticed that inside the card slot there is what
appears to be a momentary switch ( small white button ) that looks like it
gets activated when the eject button is pushed in. Can fellow eMaters out
there check this one out for me please......not positive as to it's function
but it must be in there for a reason ........( and I'll leave that line
open! )

Andy Wells
Another Newton Nut
with an eMate and Eudora

Live life as an exclamation

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