Re: NTLK eMate

From: Lucas (
Date: Sun Feb 27 2000 - 13:55:06 EST

on [DAT

> To NewtonTalk
> I have an interest in purchasing an eMate to use as a peripheral to my Compaq
> PC. I need something when I am on the go to upload to my desktop at home. I
> understand that this eMate has the QuickFigure software from Pelican Ware.
> What is the best way to upload from the emate to the PC???? Should I purchase
> a serial cable to upload directly? OR should I purchase a fax modem to send
> to my fax meesenger online and download? I know its an extra step, but its
> not extra cost and no extra software.
> With the uplpoading with a serial cable, what is a simple software package to
> use, even if it is just for spreadsheet?
> I want to get all the information I can before I purchase this.
> Many thanks
> Mark Laflamme
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Dear Mark,
I have post the news that I have a eMate FS. Are you interest in it.
And answer your question. You don't need to buy any cable, because it is
include in the package. If you interest in eMate, please send me the email.
I am in Taiwan, and I can send it to you through Post office express.
PS. Could you please give me an email address that I can send to you
directly, becasuse it seem the the address you put on your email can not be

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