Re: NTLK Older MP110, 120,130 pens

From: W.Lichtenberger (
Date: Thu Feb 24 2000 - 21:56:36 EST


At 19:32 23.02.00 -0800, Ed Kummel <> wrote:
>Hey gang,
>I have a friend whom I sold him my 120 (I upgraded to
>a 2000)about 3 months ago and he has now lost the
>pen...I went to PDA and they don't have
>pens for the older Newts...any ideas on this?

Others may propose buying new ones at NewtonOz or SmallDog, i just tooled
one from well-dried juniper wood (relatively hard & smells good ;-) and am
very content with it. It's well formed, sanded & polished and looks quite
nice to me.
If the 120 has the telescope pen, though, this is maybe not so attractive.
Anyway, at the moment i keep the original in my MP, the juniper at home
(for special occasion ;-) and a shorter, thicker (feels better writing)
wood stick in my pocket.

YMMV, though.

-- Wolf Lichtenberger
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