Re: NTLK URGENT: virus

From: Gary Moody (
Date: Mon Feb 21 2000 - 00:00:55 EST

Calm down, Kyle. The poor guy already incurred the collective NewtonTalk
wrath, even though it really wasn't his fault (except for a combination of
naiveté and sloppy virus checking). The SKA (AKA Happy99.exe) virus
operates by propogating itself through windows-based email clients, using
the the last email message sent as a doorway to send a copy of itself to an
unsuspecting user.

I really felt sorry for the poor guy. Not only did he get a BUNCH of hate
emails privately and on the list, he got turned into his ISP by one
particularly wrathful user with a request to terminate his account. OW! A
boo-boo he won't soon forget!

I hope we can be more forgiving in the future...



----Original Message Follows----
From: "Kyle H. Powderly" <>
To: "NewtonTalk" <>
Subject: NTLK URGENT: virus
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 23:07:33 -0500

OK, who the HELL just tried to infect the entire List with the Virus
W/32Ska.exe? You are about to be subjected to the wrath of dedicated (and
creative) Newton owners all over the world. I suggest you put your
electronic head between your Internet legs and kiss your virtual butt

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