Re: NTLK NewtonMad down and out

From: Chris Ruprecht (
Date: Fri Feb 18 2000 - 07:47:58 EST

>Sunder wrote:
> > > Again, please, think twice before deleting the whole archive.
> >
> > Sorry, but that's really bad (legal) advice. Would you have everyone
> > hosting this put themselves at risk? Sure, if they're willing to purge
> > the copyrighted stuff out, and put back the rest, it would be great, but
> > otherwise, they risk quite a lot.
>I never meant to keep pirated softwares, no, that's for sure. But
>I'm pretty sure
>that we could use a few experienced users and point out any
>commercially available
>softwares to be removed, if somebody could provide the files list of
>Any taker with me? Somebody that has been in the Newton field for a
>few years would
>have a pretty good idea whether a software is still available or not. Then, we
>could always identify the ones that were abandonned, and at the mirror
>administrator's discretion, those could be removed too.
>What do you think? Again, any taker?

If one had a list of files of still "active" software and the
archive, it would be a thing of a few minutes to delete all the
packages which match the list. A little UNIX shell script would take
care of that ... the problem is to get one's hands on the "active"
software list and then be able to derive the file names from it, as
it does not help to have the Package "This is my super app I wrote
last month" this a file name like lstmon.pkg ... you get the drift.
Since the little package files are just that (small, tiny, compared
to Windogs apps :), 300 MB is quite a bit to wade through, manually.
The last person I asked to do that with my archive ... took the tape
I provided and ran ... ;(.

Best regards,

Chris Ruprecht
Network grunt and bit pusher extraordinaíre
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