Re: NTLK NPDS Tracker woes

From: Bill Davis (
Date: Thu Feb 17 2000 - 02:01:06 EST

On 2/15/2000 4:18 PM, Rich Lindsay [] wrote:

>I have e-maild him today but have not ecieved a reply. his site is up but
>tracker is down.
>If we can get his source and cgi I am sure we can get someone to host the
>This Old Newt

If the tracker software runs on a Mac and doesn't take too much RAM, I'll
host it at Info-Newt. I'm presently running the Info-Newt Web server,
FTP server, Mail server (Webstar) and (starting recently) a Domain Name
Server (MacDNS) in less than 56MB of RAM on a PowerBook 2300c.....still
got about 10-12 MB left I think.

 - Bill

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