[NTLK] Lender Card?

Jim Chapman guardsix6 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 20 22:44:10 EDT 2020

Is there still such a thing as a "Lender Card" for Newton newbies?

I'm having trouble getting pkgs transferred between my MacBook Pro to my Apple      Messagepad 2100.  Also, I don't have a PC with a serial port.

While I have a serial to USB cable (actually two cables together) with a dongle plugged in to the Messagepad, the transfer won't stay active long enough to complete the file transfers. I did get "FastSerial" transferred and can connect, but, again, it quits before the NIE2.0 pkgs can completely transfer.

Or, is there something I should do to keep the serial transfer active longer?


Jim C.
guardsix6 at gmail.com

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