[NTLK] [OT] Happy New Year

Rufus Kohn rufuskohn at gmail.com
Sun Jan 1 18:12:55 EST 2017

Good point.
Think big but act local.
Wish I could contribute some way. 

Met vriendelijke groet,
Rufus Kohn

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> Op 1 jan. 2017 om 23:08 heeft Dan <dan at dbdigitalweb.com> het volgende geschreven:
> While a nice idea, I think when you get that far Apple would step in
> with a cease and dissident order since the emulator is based on their
> code.  Yes you still need to provide the MP2x00 ROM but I have to think
> that if one had a kickstarter, they would send legal in even if it was
> within the law.  And who would have the money to fight such a battle?
> Let alone the energy.
> Small builds/project Apple won't care or notice.  You go big like that,
> and they will wield the hammer faster than you can say smash.
>> On 1/1/2017 4:47 PM, Rufus Kohn wrote:
>> How about thinking around. Couldn't we find funding to make a casing based on the eMate or newton with modern hardware and compile a build to work with the old software so the machines from the 20th century and the new ones can talk to each other. 
>> A lot of baby boomers would love to get a no distractions machine to type memories and keep track of to do's.  So a KickStarter could turn funding to buy you geniuses enough holidays to work things out. 
>> Any producers around?
>> Met vriendelijke groet,
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