[NTLK] Memory card woes

Dan dan at dbdigitalweb.com
Thu Apr 21 20:13:59 EDT 2011

Forgot to mention this is called "the grip of death".  Usually because
some package on the card is in use and it keep prompting you to reinsert
the card.  There are several packages around to fix this.  SBM's Card
is the one I use but that is NOS 2.x.  Perhaps someone here knows of a
card eject package for 1.x?  Anyway you just use the package before
removing the card to "unmount" all the packages currently running on the
card, then flip the switch to remove it.

Keep in mind though that your issue is due to something more than just
the grip of death since you haven't installed anything to the card yet.


On 4/21/2011 5:17 PM, Rusty Miles wrote:

> I get the message;
> "Newton still needs the card you removed.  
> Please insert it now, or information on the card may be damaged."

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