[NTLK] OT: MobileMe

Larry Yaeger lsynt3 at beanblossom.in.us
Sun Feb 21 15:45:49 EST 2010

At 9:52 AM -0800 2/20/10, Ryan wrote:
>Just wondering if there are any other MobileMe users out there?  ...  dragging and dropping files to iDisk via the Finder is painfully slow.  ...  So I authored a better Automator script for MobileMe: it automates the copy of just a select few folders over to iDisk via Transmit.

Very cool.  I don't have an immediate use for it, but I'd appreciate a copy of your script, Ryan.  I also very much like MobileMe, for the auto-syncing of calendars, contacts, bookmarks, and keychains between half a dozen Macs and my iPhone.  Extremely handy.  But I basically don't use iDisk due to its slowness.  Sounds like your script might make it usable.  Nice.

- larryy

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