[NTLK] Pinehill Softworks Formula Generator

Ross Deihm adventuresindining at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 09:24:23 EST 2010

Wow, another 1.3 user! Thought I was alone in my insanity. Never got around
to the 2.0 and 2.1 software, and ever since finding out about the 2010 bug,
I haven't pushed it at all. The form factor of those older Newts was a
little large for me. And yeah, I know about the 130, but the blacklight is a
little suspect and an upgraded 120 has too little memory to justify it.

Thanks so much for those software updates. It's hard to find which programs
run for sure on 1.3, so it's always a challenge when visiting UNNA. I'll
look into the Napkin Calc (I've seen it, never sure if it would work on a
1.3). I don't really want to do any development for the Newt, even
scripting. I'm over the whole programming thing personally. I really liked
that the PineHill Software would load the calculation INTO the formulas tab.
I'm not sure why they would put that on the Newt, and not provide a way to
expand the meager list provided.
What other 1.3 apps can you suggest? I have a 23 meg card that is always
ready for new software! Presently only has Gold Tee game on it. Thanks

On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 5:38 PM, Matej Horvat <redjazz_slo at yahoo.com> wrote:

>  > Hi everyone! I'm looking to get a registration key, or certified copy
> of
> > this software. The company appears to be out of business, and I really
> need
> > the functionality of this software on my Newton. Can anyone help, or
> point
> > me in the right direction? Thanks!
> >
> > MP120/Newt 1.3
> I can't give you any clues, but I'm kind of surprised I'm not the only 1.3
> user here. I have a MP120 too.
> Yeah, FormulaGen is a great app, but kind of weird considering how it looks
> in the Extras app and it's inconvenient having to restart each time you
> remove a formula. You have three alternatives:
> A: NS BASIC. Even the demo version will do, and it's still being sold (but
> I'm not sure whether they still sell the 1.x-compatible version).
> B: NewtonScript. You can easily write yourself an equivalent app. You can
> also program in NewtonScript on your Newton (NewtDevEnv by Steve Weyer) and
> many members of NTLK have experience with it.
> C: A spreadsheet application. The only ones I know for OS 1.x are Equate
> (which I have - pretty good but slow and rare to find), AvailWorks (versions
> 2.x and earlier. Search for the thread "Looking for a Newton text editor"),
> and Napkin Calc by Macapa (which appears to be still sold?).
> Hope that helps. If you have trouble locating any of those packages, or
> need any more help (I know a lot about OS 1.x Newtons), you can also contact
> me off-list.
> -Matej Horvat
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Ross Deihm
Personal Chef
Adventures In Dining
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