[NTLK] CNET UK: Newton vs iPhone

Lloyd A. Conway ssgconway at juno.com
Mon Nov 30 20:42:40 EST 2009

      NCU worked, though none of the packages I downloaded to the PB  
1400 would install.  (NIE files would install, but would not work  
when tapped.)  The 130 backs up via NCU, and I did a restore after  
losing the ability to get into the 'Extras' folder following attempts  
to load packages.
      My next question is:  Are there any 130 users out there who  
would be willing to share what they can and can't do with their  
Newts?  I would be happy with dial-up e-mail, e-books, and a few  
other apps (scientific & financial calculator & Small Talk). If  
anyone has experiences or insight to share on theses items, I'd be  
-Lloyd Conway

On Nov 28, 2009, at 9:55 AM, Jon Glass wrote:

> SimpleMail is about it. I don't know if its replacement (Mail V) will
> work on a 130. But worse, you _will_ need a dialup account with the
> 130. There's no other way to go about it. You will also need a modem
> to work with it.
> I can't imagine why you can't get an older, serial-equipped Mac to
> work with it, though. Do you have NCU installed (not NCK, but
> NCU--Newton Connection Utility, not Newton Connection Kit--NCK worked
> with older Newtons, running 1.x. NCU is necessary for newer Newts,
> running 2.0 or above)? If you have NCU, it should be a no-brainer to
> connect.
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