Re: [NTLK] Re-Celling Rechargeable Packs for MP2x00 & eMate 300

From: Aaron Brigati <>
Date: Fri Feb 08 2008 - 09:48:39 EST

On Feb 8, 2008, at 9:25 AM, Sonny Hung wrote:
> 1. A modified Battery Tray to use NiMH cells is a great option but
> few are
> going to take the time to make one and fewer are going to see the
> value and
> purchase one as the price will usually be a bit higher than a
> regular one.
> I think it's an issue of convenience and only a few will consider
> it as I've
> only had two people purchase them from me.

I was wondering if I could modify my 2K's battery tray to charge the
NiMH 2900s I use in it! I've seen instructions on recelling packs but
not on modifying the AA tray. Can someone provide a link to
instructions? Or, if I'm reading that post right, do you sell
premodded trays - and if so, where can I find 'em?


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Received on Fri Feb 8 09:49:06 2008

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