[NTLK] RES: [Indesejados] Re: RES: Goodbye

From: robinson <gaudo_at_terra.com.br>
Date: Thu Nov 29 2007 - 09:58:15 EST

Hello Greg.
I donīt know how speed a 4mb file could be send with IRDA. But Robert
Ellison said he will set free the BlackTalk.
About the card recognizing, should Einstein works on this way on PC?
Installing Einstein on a PC, we can put a CF card in Newton format and PC
recognizes it? And make a file management? Einstein should get this way.
With a tool like that, Newton can live forever.

-----Mensagem original-----
De: newtontalk-bounce@newtontalk.net
[mailto:newtontalk-bounce@newtontalk.net] Em nome de Goodwin, Greg P.
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2007 10:24
Para: newtontalk@newtontalk.net
Assunto: [Indesejados] Re: [NTLK] RES: Goodbye

From: robinson

The only thing I miss using Newton is taking off a card with a lot of
and simply put it on a notebook and transfer the files to my hard disk.
If you guys knows any way to do that (even if a CF or a SD with
adaptors) I
should say that I miss nothing more.


This is the one thing that discouraged me from making Newton my main
PDA. I mean I had the Newton as practically a desktop setup, was
playing movies, MP3's, and all that. But 15 minutes to load ONE Mp3?
I cannot harp on it enough, that's sad. And everytime on this list when
I mention it I hope that someone will stand up and say "You're doing it
wrong, I can transfer a MP3 in 2 minutes." But this has not happened.
Apparently 15 minutes is the standard amount of time to transfer a 4 mb
Mp3 to the Newton, even over Appletalk/Ethernet. :(

   Now you see why I made such an uproar with Paul was releasing the ATA
drivers for free... it meant my hopes of this finding a solution will
probably not happen in the next decade. Paul never promised it, but
with his understanding of the ATA drivers, I had hoped that one day
maybe the Newton could recognize a PC format on the cards, and then,
problem solved!! As it is, the Newton knows when a card has been PC
formatted, or maybe it just assumes. Not sure.

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Received on Thu Nov 29 09:58:14 2007

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