Re: [NTLK] Dashboard Scripting 101

From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Mon Nov 28 2005 - 13:51:25 PST

About a year or two ago, there was a considerable conversation going on about dashboard scripting and such...There even was talk about a repository of scripts for anyone to take advantage of. During that thread (and others) I gathered some scripts that I find helpful...Some speak the time, one reads any highlighted text outloud. Another dumps the heap information, another dumps the library information..Things like that...I for one, would not mind such a repository of scripts...If necessary, I'll set up the webpage myself and create such a repository...if no one has done this yet!
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John <> wrote:
  Hey Matt!
Wow, I haven't even gotten that far yet, into the scripting that is, but
now that you mention it I WILL, great hint, a nice time saver, many

Dashboard is kind of like PhotoShop with layer after layer after layer
of hidden abilities. I am still exploring.

The last thing I added was a few days ago where I added the letter "X"
to make my 2100 sleep, so as to save the manual slide switch.

Please keep your ideas flowing !!!


11/25/05 issued the following and I have taken
literary license to pass it along on a "Need to Know Basis" . . . ?

>I liked the idea that "Ocean City John" had posted recently, for
>customizing some features in the Dashboard preferences area. I already
>had a registered copy of the application loaded on my Newton, though I
>now realize I had barely scratched the surface in terms of its capabilities.
>In the "Scripts" area of the "Preferences" menu of Dashboard, I added my
>name and address (with hard returns) to the standard text-insert
>script. Then, I created a new gesture, "ad", to be used in the gesture
>launch window at the bottom of the Newton's "desktop" screen. Now, if
>I'm writing a letter or preparing a fax in the Notes application, I can
>quickly insert my name and address. I'm trying to think of other handy
>text-insert shortcuts. Any other ideas?
>Hopefully, I can delve a bit deeper into Dashboard's scripting, learn
>how to program "hot buttons", and so forth. Could genuine Newtonscript
>programming be too far down the line?

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