Re: [NTLK] Newton eBook Revolution..

From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Thu Mar 24 2005 - 01:02:07 PST

> From: Martin Joseph <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Newton eBook Revolution..
> Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 00:04:42 -0800
> On Mar 22, 2005, at 1:42 PM, DJ Vollkasko wrote:
> <big ugly snip>
>> to take the servers down (until then, get it while U can:
>> ) , so I'm investigating
>> alternative options or mirrors, preferably somewhere like
>> or .
> I am not sure why, but I find that vaguely insulting ;~)

It was not intended to sound or be insulting to the sites mentioned.
IMHO there is nothing more desireable for a Newton ebook than to be
available through anything that ends in Or if that's not
possible, to take up the generous offer ("If you have a Newton related
product or project, we'll provide you with free hosting for it.") made
at .
Those places rock, and there is nothing more desireable for any
self-respecting, decent Newton package than to be hosted in either

>> Any support
>> appreciated. -- And a big hand for our Mr. Reidsma, please! Thanks,
>> Matt, that was very kind, of you. That's your applause -- and best of
>> luck for the move!
> Thanks Matt! Yeah and DJ and Matt K too!

It's nothing. We are just doing our duty as good Newtonians, citizen!

> I do find it strange though, that somehow you think other people NEED
> to share your zeal for making and sharing Newton books. It's a
> fantastic effort you guys are making (Matt K and DJ I mean), but I
> think that you should accept the fact that other people will contribute
> in there own way, or not.

Marty, no prob with that. There's all kind of sorts. Brilliant. I'm
doing the book thing, because I can't code. Others provide webspace for
all sorts of silly stuff. Others provide amazing apps and hacks, and
yet others seem to live at NTLK to help people with questions.
Excellent! Okay, there are some folks who cull the list for expertise
and never return anything... Well, maybe one day, or maybe they can add
something to the Wiki (the Wiki, folks, do the Wiki! ;=} ), like any
problem they had and how they resolved it. I have no issues with any of
that (though admittedly I tend to feel used after helping a drive-by
poster and never reading how stuff worked out in the end or not).

But what about the plenty new people who ask every month questions
about bookmaking and Newton Press, and who get support from Digital
Dan, Woody, Matt the K. and whoever else -- surely some of them
actually make books in the end. Haven't seen any announced in quite a
while, though. I wonder why - do they think we don't care? Or don't
they have a means to publicate the pkgs? Or they just shy? -- I think
that's what irritates Matt a bit, judging from his very outspoken

Anyway -- I challenge 'em all singlehandedly to send me all their
output, together with an About.txt describing the respective title, and
I promise to put it up in the Temporary Newton Archive ASAP (usually
24-36 h, unless I'm off with them boat for a couple days; offer valid
while supplies last, your mileage in the mirror may be vary than they
Bring 'em on! Like we used ter say in Texas: Publish 'em all, let the
end-user sort 'em out! ;=}

And then there are folks who make offers to me and never get back to me
again. Even when I plead them to let me know what's up re: their offer,
or what I have done that upset them so badly that they give me the
silent treatment. Over months and months and months. That's a bit wide,
in my opinion. You don't treat people like that, and I surely would
have never expected this. But enough of this. -- "Move on, everybody,
there's nothing to see here!"

> Either way, we have to try to keep moving in a positive direction...

That's a positive on that, Marty! Hmh, you know, I *am* a strong
believer in cooperation and stuff like that. Good things are ahead,
just around the next river bend! (Might be a weir, though -- but if we
all pull together, we'll overcome it sweetly and easily...)

Three cheers and a tapdance for Newtonia!

DJ Vollpositivitykaskodirectionality
(taking the ole folding boat off to the river for a couple days)

P.S.: The first response to above challenge has already hit my mailbox.
As soon as certain other issues are resolved, it'll be accessible
(after I'm back from the river -- next week).

P.P.S.: Oh, BTW I stlll [WTB] a battery holder (for alkalines or
rechargeables) for MP 2x00, and a lid, also a 9w power supply at
reasonable prices. If you have any spares and would like to help yer
ole kranky pal 'Kasko, drop me a line!

P.P.P.S.: Ya'll hang in there and have a good time yourselves. And
listen to more Nerdcore Hiphop .

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