Re: [NTLK] Compact Flash Transfers to 2100 from Mac Laptop

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Thu Aug 18 2005 - 18:24:14 PDT

Le 19 ao=FBt 05 =E0 08:48, John Hay a =E9crit :

> Quick question.
> As a means to install packages onto my Newton 2100, to avoid all
> connection issues, is it possible for me to just pop out the Newton's
> Flash card and slide it into my G4 Laptop's PCMCIA slot, copy using
> the Finder a package(s) to the Flash Card, then, take the card out of
> the Laptop and slide it back into the Newton, then on the Newton
> install the package? If so this would I believe totally solve my
> prior post asking for advice on what platform, and what topology best
> to use to install packages to a 2100. If this can all work it would
> be a simple, straightforward solution and I would not even need
> Classic, correct?

This is not possible yet.

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