Re: [NTLK] OK, where next...

From: Simon Stapleton (
Date: Fri May 28 2004 - 01:27:44 PDT

Robert Benschop wrote:

> Ouch, my favorite part of the planet! Is there any place better than on
> a beautiful mountain? (especially on skis or a snowboard?!)

Nope. Absolutely not. If any list members are skiing next season,
drop in to Praz sur Arly and look me up (I work on one of the
chairlifts over the winter), I might even be able to sort a cheap pass.
  It's a small resort, but we have _awesome_ pistes. Boarding's my
usual poison, but I could be convinced to put a pair of planks on for a
day ;-)

> Bt I'm straying, did you know there's a French speaking Newton list

Nope. Details?

> and
> every few months there are meetings in Paris, not too far away with
> the
> TGV from Lyon or Geneva...

I noticed that, but there are 2 things tying me here. The first is
money, and the second is the fact I'
currently looking out of my home office window and seeing trees,
mountains, a buzzard circling on the other side of the valley, it's
sunny, and the air is clean.

That said, I can see a trip to Paris comin up relatively soon.


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