[NTLK] IMPORTANT: Newton Revival Imminent

From: Goodwin, Greg (GoodwinG_at_aafes.com)
Date: Thu Mar 18 2004 - 05:58:05 PST

From: <newton_at_the-monkey.net>

> > This place is bad enough with all the one-eyed Apple zealots
> The question is - do you mean we're dicks, or do you mean
> we're pirates? ;P

>Neither. Or both, I'm not sure of anything anymore.

>(Really: there is some unnecessary Windows bashing in here from time to
>time, and it's quite squirm inducing to a reasonably platform agnostic
>person, such as myself.)

>Morgan - morgan_at_quirk.co.nz

    Well, we Atari and Amiga users are off doing our own thing. Win-what? ;)

    Doctor Clu
@}<-- >------------------------

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