Re: [NTLK] Jobs: "Computers have keyboards" - iPod: "Nyaa nyaa"

From: Rod (
Date: Fri Apr 16 2004 - 17:12:54 PDT

On 16/4/04 11:47 PM, "Brian Link" <> wrote:

> My first posting to the list, and it's a whine I'm afraid. I just read
> how shipping iPod units have surpassed shipping computers, and was
> reminded of Steve Jobs' famous quote on the Newton: "We make computers.
> Computers have keyboards. Where's the keyboard?"
> Well Steve, guess what, there's no keyboard on an iPod. And it's even
> less a computer than the Newton was. Now I realize the nuking of the
> Newton was more about a personal grudge than philosophy, but I wish
> someone would ask him about that quote sometime - and why he's allowed
> the company to be so undermined by the ridiculously successful iPod -
> taken off their course of making niche computers for an ever-dwindling
> segment of the marketplace. In the meantime, the terrible Palm interface
> and bloated Windows CE machines have eaten a lunch that should have been
> Newton's.
> Bah.
> BLink

There lots of 'what if's' in this world, and what if Steve persevered with
the Newton? It may have continued to drain on company resources because no
one wanted to buy a big, bulky device that was a cross between a laptop and
a pda. Apple were going off in so many different directions, he had to to
start pushing Apple in one direction to save the company.

What if Apple released a Newton that was the size of a Palm? How many of
you write small enough that could fit onto a palm screen? I'd find it
annoying to say the least!

What if Apple re-released the Newton now? Obviously with new enhancements
such as colour, but now competing against tablet pcs. Right size this time
(I think the tablet pcs are too big), but the market has shown that it is
not ready for a tablet pc yet. What might have another failure and the
Newton canned again.

Personally, I think Apple did the right thing. As much as I love using my
Newton and wish new ones where around, I'm glad the Mac is still around, as
I can't stand using Windows! Who knows, if Steve sold off Newton, it may
have been bought by Microsoft........



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