[NTLK] An Amazing Story...

From: J. E. Simons (newtlink_at_yahoo.com)
Date: Thu May 22 2003 - 04:03:49 PDT

this is very strange, and it ends well..
a strange woman called my house at 8:30am, and claimed to have my DayRunner.. this was strange to me because i *knew* that it was in my car.. (not that i make it a habit of leaving my DayRunner in my car)..
anyway, i have a "Leather Purse Organizer".. it's an E-Runner type..
yeah, it's a "purse", but my 2100 and the PDA Concepts "Holster" fit very well in it.. and, i'm secure enough to carry one.. hahaha..
well she started describing it.. and i flipped.. the first thing i asked was, "IS THE LITTLE COMPUTER IN IT".. thinking that it was stolen, and the dayrunner dumped.. she replied, "Yes, it seems as if everything is in it..".. now, i'm just puzzled as to how she got it.. she explained that she had found it in the middle of a fairly busy local roadway.. she stopped and picked it up, and got my information and called..
she asked if i would like to drive out to her workplace.. i declined, due to distance.. (I drive a 1967 Chevy Impala 327/300.. and i get a whopping 10mi/gallon.. and it's all premium fuel..) i asked if there was a local place that i could meet her.. we met up after she got off work, and she noticed me, and handed me the DayRunner.. i seriously thanked her.. so she went to go shop at the pharmacy, and i inspected the DayRunner..
amazing.. not *too* scuffed.. but it was scuffed up abit.. well, thinking my Newton was just shattered.. i opened the case, and it looked fine.. the pen was out of the silo (i think that she was trying to get my info from it).. i then flipped the lid open and the screen looked fine.. so, i turned it on.. it started just chiming constantly.. so, i did a soft-reset.. it booted fine.. no damage to the 2100, at all.. waves of relief just showered over me..
i thought about how it could have possibly gotten in the middle of that road..
before it was found, i spent a long night playing guitar with some friends.. and as i was loading my equipment in to my car, i must have left my DayRunner on top of the car.. and when i go home, i usually take that roadway.. it must have flew off the top of the car, and skidded into the middle lane and sat there.. and sat there..
i went home at about 11:30pm Monday night.. she called me at 8:30am Wednesday morning, having found it at about 6:30am..
how it wasn't run over, stolen from the roadway.. i just don't know.....
i've been through alot with this 2100 for the last 4.5 years.. and i would have just freaked out if it was gone.. (including the 32M and 20M flash cards that i have in it..)
i'm still amazed that my 2100 took a fall at 45MPH+ and still works..
amazing.. i think i've punched my "Lucky Card" a good one this time..

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