Re: [NTLK] kallisys?

From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Thu Mar 20 2003 - 10:08:12 PST

Il me semble que le 20/3/03 à 10:50 -0700, Grant Hutchinson nous racontait:
> >I can tell you right now that what Victor and Paul are doing is
>>going to accomplish nothing but to poison the community of this list.
>I think that this is a good time to take this offlist, folks.

Definitely. I did not post something on the list because I do not
mean to put any political debate here. Like everyone else on this
list, I have opinions on various subjects including political ones.
Fortunately, we do not agree on everything, and most of us live in
free countries as in we are free to express our opinions.
Nevertheless, this is a Newton list and I will only discuss subjects
closely or losely related to the Newton.

I am more than seriously lacking time right now, but if you want to
discuss this with me, send me a private e-mail, I will reply in a few

I will re-open my website unless I die in a terrorist retaliation.

I will not comment further on this subject on this list and I ask
list members who wants to discuss it to do it privately or in
dedicated public forums.


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