Re: [NTLK] LocalTalk <=> EtherNet

From: David Arnold (
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 17:26:00 PST

-->"Marty" == Marty <> writes:

  Marty> There is no "cable" that will substitute. This (Asante
  Marty> localtalk bridge) is a active bridge of two different
  Marty> physical media with two different signaling schemes...


  Marty> I don't think this allows for shared internet from an
  Marty> ethernet source? There is no control panel support for
  Marty> ethernet over localtalk other then Mac/IP which requires a
  Marty> different gateway/router or an old mac with ethernet to do
  Marty> that...

some LocalTalk/Ethertalk bridges also support MacIP (for example, the
Cayman GatorBox). i don't know about the Asante box.

another option, might be that there is Linux code out there to do both
the bridging and MacIP, i believe. i don't know if or how well it
works, but if you have an old Mac that can run Linux (or a PC and a
Localtalk card), this might be an alternative solution.

but really, as has been pointed out, this is all a lot of effort to
save running a 10base-T cable down the hall ...


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