Re: [NTLK] Is any one going to bid on the WALT tablet?

From: Adrian Gomez (
Date: Sat Oct 26 2002 - 23:51:40 EDT

> My guess is that it was a prototype that, for the sake of quickly
> showing
> what was possible, was based on the MacOS. Once the concept was
> fleshed out,
> the would then write it using the Newton OS. It does look too much
> like my
> Duos... (including the power supply) I wonder if this thing could boot
> from
> a hard drive?
> --

 From the picture it looks like it has a harddrive (40 megs). It will
probably boot from that one if it could be fixed. If you replaced it
with your own the trick would be to find the right os with the right


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