Re: [NTLK] Folders. Folders?

From: Stainless Steel Rat (
Date: Mon Oct 07 2002 - 14:54:38 EDT

* "Doug Parker" <> on Mon, 07 Oct 2002
| I created a test spreadsheet in NewtWorks, filed it in my personal folder,
| closed NewtWorks, opened Notepad and couldn't find it anywhere in my
| personal folder.

Correct. There are local and global folders. Local folders only exist
within a particular program, like Works or Extras. Global folders exist in
all programs. In addition, different programs, like Works and Notepad,
cannot directly share data. So even if you have a global folder called
"Private", sheets/forms/documents/whatever for one program will not be
available to other programs.

| That makes sense, since Notepad isn't going to know what to do with it
| anyway. Then I went back into NewtWorks and the spreadsheet was there,
| but I never did a File--Open to open it, it was just *there*. I must be
| using an incorrect model for the way the data is being stored.

No. There are some special folders. One is "Unfiled <appname>" which
holds everything that has not been specifically filed somewhere else.
Another is "All <appname>" which displays all documents, icons, programs,
whatever, available within the app.

| I'd like a list view in the Extras drawer, instead of the icon view, which
| would take up less real estate too. Am I dreaming?

Tap the overview button.

| Is there any way to make the icon bar tiny--get rid of the icons, leave the
| text, etc.? I thought there was something for this, but I can't find it now.

There are several. You should be able to find something useful on UNNA.

Rat <>    \ Happy Fun Ball contains a liquid core,
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